Monday, December 19, 2011

The All In All, Chapter 4, Opportunity

Channeled Core Questions 12-18-2011

What is Opportunity?

 Q. What is Opportunity

A. Opportunity can best be explained as Free Will. In other words all things have this innate possession/gift/quality regardless of its role in Manifestation Phenomenon.

Q. Please explain, role in Manifestation Phenomenon.

A. Role in Manifestation Phenomenon is the representative expression of the intent of Creation/Alchemy that was/is imbued in Manifestation Phenomenon. For example, your cells, though seemingly dormant are constantly moving and changing, without your awareness. While they carry the original imprint from their Creator/Prime Creator.. They may or may not abide by the particular intent set forth. In your terms, this is how disease or dis-ease may occur. Or on another level how, what you refer to as disharmony, can occur.

Since Opportunity is available to all things, all things may change course or subsequently present in a different manifestation than what was originally desired. In Creations' incompleteness, it did not take into account that Opportunity could totally alter the progression of a particular Creation without consulting with its intenders.

Opportunity was imprinted in Creationary Gods/Goddess, or Prime Creators. It was also imprinted in Alchemy and Manifestation Phenomenon. It is a dynamic aspect of The All In All which allows all things to choose. It also allows for diversity in Creation, and through this diversity other outcomes come about.

Remembering the initial imprint, Manifestation Phenomenon can decide to take a different course, during or after the initial project was set in motion. Example, you are aware of birth defects. In this analysis, we chose the term Opportunity to describe the different outcomes that may occur with all the intent of the birth parents. Unbeknownst to them; their creational intent and alchemical reproduction and physical manifestation took a turn towards diversity, and rather brought forth an anomaly that was unexpected. In researching their genealogy they may or may not find the conscript for this anomaly. Nevertheless, the child is imprinted with its original Creator, or as it were, its parents and bares their resemblance.

This can also occur with inanimate objects as you perceive them to be inanimate. Each object is a collection of entities in existence or intelligences. At any time, they may decide to steer from the prescribe course and present an unusual and/or unwanted outcome. Because the human construct in your reality, does not perceive the so-called inanimate object as having the potential or having Opportunity, these anomalies appear as difficulties or considered hindrances.

One who knows the intrinsic nature of these things, so-called inanimate objects could imbue the object with a command to change the operation of the fore-spoken of difficulty. In other words, if your car should break down, it has taken the Opportunity to function in a different manner. If you understand the concept of Opportunity, you will approach your vehicle as it is, in its choice to do something different than you expected or wanted and implore it to reset itself so that you can go on your way. This is not magic, but an understanding of the energetic frequency in all of existence. This exercise provides you with the knowledge of your vehicle and its function in existence thus putting you in the position to change it. Again, it may refuse to change and begin to work again. In that vein other variables may be present. That is, it may have decided that the neglect it has endured over time is too much, so it would rather not start, but insist that you fix whatever is preventing it from traveling.

In your present reality, this is most misunderstood. Your scientists would seek to find some perceivable solution to the problem, rather than seeking the unperceivable. They may seek external solutions and prescriptions while totally missing the point that all things are endowed with Opportunity to oblige or not to oblige according to its initial design. You understand this in human reality but are remiss to see this in the total of all reality.

Recently, there have been many criers of impending doom caused by variant comet, asteroid or incapacitated satellite. You watch the heavens wondering when the hour will come, only to find out that the object has taken a different course.  A number of reasons could be the cause of this phenomenon, however hardly is there someone to express that the entity may have simply decided to take a different course. This does not remove the possibility of an external intervention but it does not include it totally. Therefore living matter as you perceive it to be living along with all matter that you perceive to be non living and all dimensions beyond your perception have the innate ability to demonstrate its own intrinsic ability towards Opportunity. Creation/Alchemy/Manifestation Phenomenon become an expansive system of probabilities, sometimes beyond the scope of your human intelligences.

It is hoped that this lesson will help to fine tune your awareness, consciousness and perceptions of what is happening around you at all times; and put you in a more powerful position to understand your reality, hence putting you in a more powerful position as Co-Creators of your existence.

Channeled Core Questions: The All In All

1. Part One The All In All
    a. Chapter 1, Creation
    b. Chapter 2, Alchemy
    c. Chapter 3, Manifestation
    d. Chapter 4, Opportunity
    e. Chapter 5, Conclusions

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